We're on a mission to build a better Google Docs.

Google Docs is a Word File with real-time collaboration added on in the most obvious way. But while this can be useful, it can also get in the way. So we set out to build a better document model, one centered around drafts: Instead of thinking about the document, the final product, we think about the process that goes into creating it.

To avoid boiling the ocean, we started with screenwriting: A small and focused niche, where big professional teams collaborate to create TV scripts. This allowed us to launch early and iterate quickly. It gave us a great testbed to test our assumptions about how people work together and how we can support their workflow.

With butter, we're bringing what we learned to a larger audience. Do let us know what you think and please reach out if you want to join us on our mission.

Michi Huber
Founder, CEO

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Oliver Brooks

Egestas arcu erat augue ullamcorper accumsan. Cras pharetra at tristique at ultricies ipsum. Mattis fames.

Michi Huber
Founder, CEO

Egestas arcu erat augue ullamcorper accumsan. Cras pharetra at tristique at ultricies ipsum. Mattis fames.